There are several ways you can stimulate your child's growth and development through play time.
Babies love to play. This is their chance to socialize with the people they care the most about. To them, it's just a great time. Little do they know they are actually learning skills they will need later on in life as they play.
Babies can be stimulated even before birth. Some parents read or sing to their child before their arrival. Mothers have testified that the baby actually recognizes a song that was sang to them sometime after birth. After birth, babies like more hands-on type of activities to stimulate their minds.

First and formost, a parent or caregiver must create a safe learning enviroment. Be sure to keep a close eye on the child at all times. It only takes a second for a child, no matter the age, to get into something potentially harmful to him or her. Be sure the the enivoment is condusive to learning as well. Be readily available to assist your child in an activity that requires you. And remember to conduct activities that are at the child's stage of develoment. If for some reason, the child is unresponsive to an activity you have chosen, move on to something elso or try again later.
Secondly, picking the right toys for your child is key. Parents can spend a lot of money on toys not knowing what a really good toy consists of. Consider this when purchasing toys for your child:
Toys must be able to withstand a beating from toddlers. You want the toy to last, so pick something strong and durable.
Be sure the toy has no sharp corners, small parts, or paints that can be chewed off. Remember, that small parts can be easily choked on. Only use toys suited for your child's age group.
Picking a toy that has many different uses is a good idea. The child then has many differnt ways to stimulate his or her mind through imaginative play.

Different kinds of toys develop different skills. Activities such as crawling, walking, running, and catching are all large motor-skills. Toys that help stimulate these skills are climbing toys, kiddie cars, wagons, and balls. Small motor-skills are required for finger movements. Puzzles, crayons, nesting blocks, sorting toys, and bath toys help to develop this skill. And as an added bonus, your child's mind is stimulated, too.
Be sure to add plenty of time in the day for music and books. Children love to be sang and read to. They love to look at large colorful pictures and to sing songs that have a memorable rhythum to them. Reading and singing help to develop a child's memory and it's fun, too.
Keep in mind that a toy need not necessarily be expensive to be a "good toy". Think about what uses the toy has before purchase and if it will truely benifit your child's development.

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